About the Business
Is an equal world of opportunities for all disabled people and to work in a flexible environment and to be seen as an asset to business and industry. Driven by the potential of people with disabilities to achieve excellence within an understanding and inclusive society. We will achieve this by providing opportunities to become professional and personable in our business life. We will foster and facilitate growth within the individual. Accountable - As a potential franchise organisation, we are accountable for everything we do, both to our franchisees and to our customers.
Deliver change - Everything we do is targeted to bring change to the mindset of disabled people seeking employment to change the attitude of people that interact with disabled people at work. Whether challenging key decision makers or working collaboratively with other organisations, we will adopt whatever approach is required to achieve our mission.
Location & Hours

Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, Suite 25, The Nasmyth building, East Kilbride
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Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, Suite 25, The Nasmyth building, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0QR